PHULBARI BIRTA DUDHA SANKALAN KENDAR FOR HEALTHY LIFE PHULBARIBIRTA Home Blog About Company Phulbari Birta Dhuwani Sewa Phulbari Birta Dhudha Sankalan Kendar Hem Raj Krishi Firm Contact Us Collection Form Sales Entry Search Phulbari Birta Dhudha Sankalan Kendra Purchase Date Customer Name Customer Adddress Sales Mode CASH MODE CREDIT MODE PURCHASED ITEMS Milk Cuard Ghee mahi Nauni Others Milk Cuard Ghee mahi Nauni Othors Milk Cuard Ghee mahi Nauni Othors Milk Cuard Ghee mahi Nauni Othors Milk Cuard Ghee mahi Nauni Othors Total Amount Updated the Fat Rate and Customer Name Next
Updated the Fat Rate and Customer Name